Wednesday, December 24, 2014

the end

Hi everyone? How you guys doing?

I'm good, Cuma biasalah, busy a bit. Hahaha, Alasan yang paling selalu tak?

But it's true. Dah nak hujung tahun ni banyak betul benda listed in the schedule. Not to mentioned kenduri kahwin here and there, and some projects going on as well.

Last week my mom was here for few days, With nenek. One of my little cousin getting married last weekend. Not so little anymore, besar dah dia! Bila one by one family members kahwin, terasa sangat how time flies! But lepas ni maybe ada break lama sikit la before next one, sebab yang tinggal semua still study and kecil lagi.

Anyway, so bila my mom's here so banyaklah agenda nya. Bawa dia ke sana ke mari, which is me and husband don't mind at all. One thing, I suka betul kalau orang datang rumah, sebab I macam suka ramai-ramai and meriah. Now that she's back to hometown, so rumah rasa sunyi je. She will only come again in January for Afiq's wedding and oh maybe my little sister will be back for semester break also! Can't wait!

I tengah-tengah browse FB and look what I've found!

It was our very first roster! My fellow batchgirl in MH uploaded it! Hihi. Kalau ingat balik time dapat roster ni, rasa nervous gila!

Actually that was our SNY flight, maksudnya macam practical flight before we truly certified and graduated as Cabin Crew. Before that ada juga pergi 2 observation flights. Observation flights tu senang je, we just observe. But as for SNY flight ni, we must operate as a crew and were given position as well. And yes people, I kena served Business Class during this flight. Mine were bound for Bangkok (BKK).

Alhamdulillah, we all made it for SNY. Semua graduated on time. Honestly, this job isn't easy at all. Tak mudah, seriously. You need to be aware and prepare all the time. There's not a chance for you to slip a bit, because if there's an emergency, you are so responsible for all your passengers. So, be nice to your Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant.

Kalau nak reminisce balik all memories in MH, memang banyak. Well, I shall make a special entry for that later, okay?

Oh. We have come to an end for 2014. So how's your resolutions so far? Banyak yang achieved ke? If yes, that's good for you. If not pun tak apa, we can always bring it forward, don't we? Like we always did. Hahaha.

The husband said he has few open tickets left for this year, asking me where do I wanna go? Seriously I tak tahu. Kejap kang macam nak pergi sini, kejap nanti I change my mind to somewhere else. Told him to just decide, I am okay will all. Sebab AA routes mana je pun nak pergi kan?

So I wish all of you Happy 2015 in advance! In case my next post will be somewhere next year! And, Merry Christmas beautiful people with beautiful soul!

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