Finally, I rasa I berjaya compose all stories during my trip to Japan. Walaupun tak sedetails and secomplete mana, but I'm happy with it. Something for me to look back and reminiscing memories.
Feb 2nd, 2015 (Selasa) - Day 5
Oh, semalam btw we went to a place named Hiroo. Sebab husband wanted to go to this one shop, selling all toys as he's looking for his Hot Wheels Japan Edition. Unfortunately, kedai tu tutup every Monday. And if it's open, they close early. By the time we reach the place it was nearly 9PM. Dahlah from nearby train station to this shop quite far. Nak tercabut kaki mek!
Well, suppose we plan to come again tomorrow, which is today in Day 5. Tapi sebab semalam nya memang tenaga dah betul-betul depleted, we woke up slightly late. So bila dah lambat tu memang malas nak keluar. End up we just enjoying ourselves on the bed. Berguling-guling saja dalam comforter. Since it is our very last day, might as well rehat betul-betul dan sepuas-puasnya before our flight back home late tonight.
We decided to start our journey to the airport around 6PM. So after pack things up, masak and makan, getting ready and whatnot so we wave goodbye to our 5nights apartment. Walk to the train station and beli ticket.
Journey takes around 1 hour to reach to the airport from Ikebukuro. Tapi kena pandai budget masa if you'd like to opt for train. As for us, our flight scheduled at 1145PM, so bolehlah ambil our own sweet time.
Sampai saja airport, perut dah lapar. Passed by the check in counter, belum buka lagi. So pusing-pusing cari makan dulu. Tapi sungguhlah susah nak cari makanan Halal di Tokyo Internation Airport. Sangatlah susah. Berpusing satu airport, sikit lagi nak pengsan. #drama
Pusing punya pusing, jumpalah satu cafe ni kat tingkat atas. So we just settled with a plate of spaghetti each. Sedaplah juga! Perut dah lapar memang apa pun sedap.
Happy faces dapat makan!
Settle makan, turun bawah nak check in. Tengok-tengok dah long queue dah. Subhanallah punyalah panjang queue. Kat KL panjang juga queue tapi kira cepatlah sampai turn. Tapi kat sini memang slow gila. Gila-gila punya slow tahap nak mencarut dalam hati. Can you imagine nak check in sahaja ambil masa lebih kurang 1jam 15minit. Berdiri selama 1jam 15minit okay. Tapi panjang-panjang queue pun tak adalah sampai 50 orang depan I.
Rupanya bila sampai our turn, barulah tahu that they actually ada masalah komunikasi. Walaupun bekerja as front liner or guest services, tapi English mereka sangatlah limited. Dan yang menjadikan lambat is because they're trying so hard to explain in details on apa yang boleh bawa on board, boarding pukul berapa and so on.
It's good, cumanya bila queue panjang tu I rasa tak perlu okay nak explain details macam tu. It is all stated di boarding pass tu kan boarding what time, gate mana and so on. Haih.
But nevertheless, everything went well. We had a smooth flight home to KL. Alhamdulillah. Lepas meal served on board, kami berlayar ke lalaland sampai lah landing.
Hello Malaysia!
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