Sunday, October 12, 2014

how we first met #3

Yippie yippie!

How's your Sunday so far? Hihi. Mine is awesome! My lil brother and fiancee come and visit me just now, to drop barang-barang hantaran untuk I gubah nanti. He's getting married, remember? Like real soon! Uwaaaa!

We had pizza for lunch, and now he left for a wedding at Subang.

So I pun kemas-kemas lah rumah sikit as usual, then now since dah tak ada apa nak buat might as well kita sambung cerita 'how we first met' lah okay? After few posts dah tak 'first' la kan? Should have changed the title to 'how we met' instead. But duh!


After I detached my self from him, dan memang tak contact langsung untuk beberapa ketika, I pun busy menjalani kehidupan I. That time I was into troublesome relationship kan, ibarat retak menanti belah. I memang tunggu masa yang sesuai dan point yang kukuh je untuk walk away dari relationship tu, Point dah banyak actually, tapi since we were colleague so it would be hard untuk break off and just move on macam tu je.

So what I did was, I cari kerja lain.I start searching here and there, sending resume and attending interviews. Mostly as kindergarten's teacher. Sebab I memang target and nakkkk sangat jadi cikgu tadika.

Then entah macam mana, my housemate masa tu ajak pergi Flight Attendant's interview. Ada 2 interviews kitorang pergi, Middle-East base and the other one is AA-Kuala Lumpur Base. That was right after Raya 2010.

Kelakar je both of us terkedek-kedek pergi interview tu, picking our clothes, what to wear, putting on  make up and bla bla bla. So bila pergi interview tu kami macam terpisah, sebab she was fresh applicant and I was experienced applicant, sebab I was with MH before.

To cut it short, I got selected for the vacancy, but Lisa did not make it. So kenalah lapor diri. Mid of October 2010 I lapor diri di Academy AA for the training session. But I seriously memang tak ingat langsung about him.

Yes, sampailah satu hari. One fine day tu I balik dari training, so sampai rumah I pun browsed la FB. It was his birthday, appear kat notification Fb tu! I pun wish him happy birthday semua, sambil tanya if he still training or dah start working on the line. He said he still undergo training at the Academy.

I pun tanyalah a bit details like in which classroom his batch in, and dia pun start curious how come I knew so much about the academy. I told him yang I pun training for flight attendant and ada few more weeks to go. He's kinda excited and ajak jumpa uolls!

Memanglah I tak nak. Hahaha, yes, keji I know.

Tapi memang rasa macam, eh, taknaklah jumpa dia ni.

3 days after his birthday is my birthday. Yes people, we are couple made in heaven but never know earlier. Ha, boleh gitu? Hahaha.

He asked me out and wanted to belanja makan after balik dari training. Memang taklah kan, balik pun sampai rumah dah pukul berapa, I baik punya tertidur. Woke up only to realize his SMS.

Next few days, tanpa di sangka-sangka he found me at the cafe academy. I punyalah nak mengelak, dia boleh selamba je walk towards me and duduk betul-betul depan I. Dah lah masa tu my batch penuh satu meja tu, I macam, ala, malunyaaaa.

He first question was;

'Awak dah break off ke dengan dia?'

Style kan? Dengan rambut dia yang semakin panjang curl-curl tu, dengan kurus dia tu. Agak comot ya kawan-kawan.

I tergamam.

Then sambung borak sikit-sikit, sebab lunch time about to end soon.

Next nanti I cerita our first date ya? Not to say date la, tapi first time keluar berdua. Ini pun ada kejadian yang buat I rasa marahnyaa dengan mamat rambut curl ni!

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